About us
What We Believe
01 The Bible That the Bible, made up of sixty-six books, is verbally inspired of God, inerrant and infallible, and is the final authority in faith and conduct. We believe it is the complete and final Revelation of the will of God to man. All doctrine, policies, and foundation for our faith are based on God's completed Word.
02 The Godhead In a GODHEAD, eternally existent in three co-equal persons: God the Father; God the Son, Jesus Christ; and God the Holy Spirit are equal in every divine perfection and executing distinct but harmonies offices in the work of redemption.
03 Deity of Christ In the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, as no other man was ever nor can be born of a woman. He is very God of very God, being “God manifest in the flesh.” He lived a life of absolute sinlessness and in His death made a full and vicarious atonement for our sins, dying not as a martyr, but as a voluntary substitute in the sinner’s place. He rose from the dead on the third day and ascended bodily into Heaven. He is coming again to rapture His saints, and to set up the throne of David and establish His kingdom.
04 Man That man was created in the image of God, but that through sin, he brought upon himself not only physical death, but also spiritual death, which is separation from God; that all human beings by physical birth possess a sinful nature and are therefore actual sinners in thought, word and deed; and that man as such, is condemned to hell and utterly unable to remedy his lost condition by himself.
05 Salvation That salvation is a free gift of God's grace apart from works. It is based solely on Christ's vicarious and atoning death, effected by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, and received by trusting in Christ's finished work on the cross. God offered this gift freely to whoever would call. However, it is man's responsibility to receive this free gift as God does not force himself on any.
06 Justification
We teach that justification before God is an act of God by which He declares righteous this who, through faith in Christ, repent of their sins, and confess Him as sovereign Lord. This righteousness is apart from any virtue or work of man and involves the placing of our sins on Christ and the imputing of Christ's righteousness to us.
07 Security We teach that those whom God has justified, will never totally no finally fall away from the state of Grace, but shall certainly preserve to the end. Though they may fall into sin through neglect and temptation, they shall be renewed again unto repentance and shall be kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.
08 Gifts Jesus Christ desires to manifest himself through the church, and does so by gifting us in various ways through His Spirit. These gifts are given to us to deify, or build up, the body. Sign gifts were temporary and were a way to verify the validity of the message and to authenticate the apostles ministry. We teach that the Holy Spirit still gifts men and women in various ways, however we are careful with the sign gifts. We have the completed Word of God and according to His Word, we have all things that pertain to life and godliness.
09 Creation We teach that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and that He created all things in six twenty-four hour days as described in the first and second chapters of Genesis. In the Bible, there is no basis for an evolutionary process being the cause of the origin or the significant alteration of life or life forms.
10 Baptism We teach that Baptism is an ordinance of the Lord Jesus. We should obey our Lord as believers and be immersed in Water as an outward profession of the change that took place inwardly. Baptism does not save, nor does it add to salvation. It is merely a testimony to that salvation and is a prerequisite for membership in His local church. We practice believers baptism by immersion as it is a sign of our being buried with Him in baptism, and raised to walk a new life.
11 Lord's Supper The Lord's Supper is the second of two ordinances which Jesus commanded. We do not hold any saving grace in the observance of the Lord's Supper and it is in no sense a sacrifice. It pictures the Lord's death, and is designed to commemorate the sacrifice our Lord provided once for all. This is to be a reminder to those who profess Him as Lord of the bond and pledge we have in communion with Him and one another.
12 The Church We teach that all who place their faith in Jesus Christ are immediately placed by the Holy Spirit into one united spiritual body known as the Bride of Christ. Jesus is the head of the church and the supreme authority for the governing of this body. According to the commandment of our Lord, Christians are to associate themselves into particular assemblies or "local churches". We believe there is evidence in scripture of the autonomy of the local church. Each individual church was to have their own pastor, own governing body, and not infringe on other churches.
13 The Family God has ordained two institutions, the home and the church. As such, we believe that the home is to be treated as precious to God and we are to seriously take every effort to ensure our homes are a priority in our life. Our family is our first ministry. This is to be a mirror to the rest of the world of the bond we share in Christ. As such we should gain what we know of the family from the Word of God and not man's reasoning. The family consists of those who are connected by marriage, blood, or adoption.
Marriage is a union between one man and one woman committed in a lifetime covenant. While both equal, the husband is called to lead his wife and accept responsibility as such. The wife is called to graciously submit to the servant leadership of the husband. This is to be a picture of the relationship between Christ and His church. The church submits to the leadership of Christ, and Christ loves the church to the point of dying.
Children, from the moment of conception are a blessing from God. God values life and so should we. Parents are to model a godly marriage and lifestyle to their children. They are to teach spiritual and moral values as they instruct them in biblical truth. 14 Last Things We believe that the Lord will return in the clouds to rapture His church. There will follow a seven-year tribulation period followed by Jesus's bodily return to earth. His return will be the overthrow of the antichrist and will usher in the millennial reign where Jesus will establish a literal kingdom on the earth for a thousand years. 15 A High View of God God is perfect, holy, righteous, and just. All good comes from Him and He is sovereign over all creation. We exist to bring glory to God. As such, we believe God deserves all praise and all honor. We also hold that His Word is inspired, infallible, and inerrant in the original language. We further believe that because of our high view of God an our high view of scripture, that the preaching and teaching of sound doctrine is of utmost importance.
In addition to proper doctrinal teaching, we also believe in doctrinal living. God gave us His Word and the church to help us with this. A high view of God will bring a high view of scripture, and thereby birth a high view of worship.
Marriage is a union between one man and one woman committed in a lifetime covenant. While both equal, the husband is called to lead his wife and accept responsibility as such. The wife is called to graciously submit to the servant leadership of the husband. This is to be a picture of the relationship between Christ and His church. The church submits to the leadership of Christ, and Christ loves the church to the point of dying.
Children, from the moment of conception are a blessing from God. God values life and so should we. Parents are to model a godly marriage and lifestyle to their children. They are to teach spiritual and moral values as they instruct them in biblical truth. 14 Last Things We believe that the Lord will return in the clouds to rapture His church. There will follow a seven-year tribulation period followed by Jesus's bodily return to earth. His return will be the overthrow of the antichrist and will usher in the millennial reign where Jesus will establish a literal kingdom on the earth for a thousand years. 15 A High View of God God is perfect, holy, righteous, and just. All good comes from Him and He is sovereign over all creation. We exist to bring glory to God. As such, we believe God deserves all praise and all honor. We also hold that His Word is inspired, infallible, and inerrant in the original language. We further believe that because of our high view of God an our high view of scripture, that the preaching and teaching of sound doctrine is of utmost importance.
In addition to proper doctrinal teaching, we also believe in doctrinal living. God gave us His Word and the church to help us with this. A high view of God will bring a high view of scripture, and thereby birth a high view of worship.
About Salvation
What is a Christian?
"Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls." ~ Matthew 11:28-29
Do you know for sure that you have a relationship with God?
Many have been curious about what it means to be a Christian. Some have said that a Christian is someone who believes the Bible. Others have said it is someone who is good or one who goes to church. Some even say a Christian is someone who believes in Jesus. However, these are simply indicators that someone might be a Christian. After all, there are many who believe in Jesus, but do not trust him to save. There are plenty of good people in this world who do not know Jesus. We like to define a Christian as this: "Someone who follows Jesus." So, why is this so important?
Who Is God?
God is perfect, and in Him we find no flaw. He is outside of time, and is not bound by the same restrictions we are. He created all and as such, should be worshipped by all. Since He created all, He also has the right to be in charge and establish right and wrong. God has done this based on His character, and since He is flawless, His ways standard by which we should live.
Our Leadership Team
Please Pray For Our New Pastor
Allan McCracken
Pastor Emeritus
Lois McCracken
Children's Sunday School Teacher
David Curry
Chairman of Deacons
Shawn Curry
Dale Shirley
Herb Stowe
Debbi Stowe
Church Secretary
Jeff Lockwood
Angie Lockwood
Music Director
Jessie Kinleyside
Events Coordinator